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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Fox Grove School

Staff List

Please see below a staffing list of the Leadership Team, Class Teachers & Lead TA's for each class.

Each of our Lead TA's take responsibility as Communication Champions ensuring all pupils have a voice, as well as Subject Champions for an EHCP area (Communication, Cognition & Learning, SEMH, Sensory & Physical) as well as ELSA and Literacy Assistants.

Leadership Team

Marie O'Rourke Principal
Emma Murray Vice Principal
Sally Markwell Assistant Principal
Julia Arthur-Godar Assistant Principal
Shellie Slater Assistant Principal

 Class Teams

Class Name Teacher Lead TA
Cricket Class Zachary Smith-Read Sarah Wells
Ladybirds Class Shellie Slater/Daniela Bifsha Dionne Hardy
Mice Class Katie Lamb Anna Green
Dragonfly Class Charlotte Cameron Nicola Bray
Badger Class Jenny Tuttle/Stephanie Stables Halle Davis
Otter Class Joanne Jarvis Olivia Badger
Squirrels Class Imogen Nelson Donjeta Qelia
Rabbit Class Sally Markwell/Jemma Hyland Daniela Santos
Deer Class Camila Gregory Anna Louch
Fox Class Alexia Rennles Alix King
Hawthorn Class  Sarah Tebbs Justine Aguiar
Lavender Class Carol Johnson / Tasmina Mossibor Max Smith
Cedar Class Ella Beal Ashleigh Van Loo
Maple Class Cathy Lawson/Natasha Persad Natalie Wheatcroft
Bramble Class Muriel Schoonbaert Angela Hurst
Oak Class Nuria Gandia

 Office & Support Teams

Our Office and Support Team are listed below

Laura Osborne Office Manager
Sarah Lopez Office Administrator
Lidia Oratore Office Assistant
Nikki Bax Office Assistant
Clare Deeprose Admissions
Dawn Bushnell SEND Liaison Officer
Vicky Jones SAFE Lead
Connor Gordon-Smalley Estates Manager
Sandra Nunes Estates Caretaker
Sara O'Shea ELSA & SAFE Mentor
Jules Clarke Art & Music Specialist
Anja Badri-Parker Computing & Literacy Assistant
Dawn Austin Outdoor Learning Lead
Linda Haywood Science Specialist Teacher