Positive lines of communication between home and school are an essential element of the work of all schools. Effective communication enables pupils to receive continuity of education, care, support and management within home and school settings.
How we communicate with each other
Open Door Policy
Parents/carers are encouraged to phone the school at any time to discuss general enquires with the office team. Parents/carers are welcome to visit the school to discuss their child’s progress, ask questions, gain support or to have the opportunity to talk about their child with either the child’s class staff. Parents are requested to contact the school office to make an appointment:
- 01372 650 946
Our aim is to see parents as quickly as possible; we try to arrange a meeting on the same or next day.
After an incident
If a child has been involved in an incident the class teacher will call the parent / carer to discuss in person rather than writing it in the home/school communication book. These incidents include:
- Child who has been hurt by another child
- Child who has had an injury that may need parents / carers to keep an eye on it
- Child that has been upset by an incident with another child or staff member
Parents’/carers’ Suggestions
There is a parents’ suggestion box in the office where parents are invited to leave any suggestions for ways in which we can improve the school. Suggestions can also be sent via email to
Parent/ Carer volunteers
We really would love more parents/carers to volunteer at Fox grove School by either:
- Friends of Fox Grove School is a body of volunteers, staff, parents, and community partners who meet regularly. We are in the process of setting this up
- Volunteering in a classroom: Please contact the school for information on volunteering opportunities.
Parent Communication
Staff teams work hard to develop good lines of communication with parents, sending home topic information sheets every half term, a weekly news and photo sheet, parent events, weekly reading books and making calls, texts or emails as needed. Teachers work together with parents to develop termly individual learning plans (ILPs) as well as talking through the children’s progress and outcomes during annual reviews. Annual reviews occur twice yearly in Reception and once per year from year one, in accordance with the SEND code of practice.
Drop-in Sessions for Parents/Carers
Drop-in sessions for parents/carers are organised on different aspects of the curriculum. These sessions are interactive, practical, and informative. The objective is to support parents’ understanding of the curriculum for them to be effective in helping their child at home.
Learn with your child session
Parents/carers are invited in for a session in their child’s class, to learn something together and to have fun.
Other events
Parents/carers are invited to enjoy assemblies, school productions, social evenings, sports day, and concerts throughout the year.
Meeting: Parents’ Evenings
All parents are expected to attend Parents’ Evenings three times per year. Parents/carers are allocated a 20-minute time slot; if more time is necessary, staff will be happy to arrange another meeting. Alternative dates can be arranged where parents are unable to make the scheduled meeting.
Autumn and spring parents evening objectives:
- Parents and class staff the opportunity to talk through each child’s progress
- Parents can look at work completed by the child during the term
- Planning new EHCP targets
- Therapists will be around for you to chat to
Summer parents evening objectives:
- Parents and class staff the opportunity to talk through each child’s progress
- Parents the opportunity to meet the new class staff team
- A written report of each child’s progress will be provided after the parents evening
Meeting: Annual Review
During each child’s annual review meeting, staff and parents have an extended period (45 – 60 minutes) to focus on a pupil’s progress and to plan together for future needs. Parents receive a written report after the meeting, which highlights progress in all curriculum areas as well as social and personal development.
Homework is provided to support for each child’s learning. The school does not expect the child to complete the homework if it is causing stress and anxiety for the child and the family. The school understands that some children feel schoolwork should only be done at school due to their rigidity associated with their diagnosis of autism.