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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Fox Grove School


Fox Grove School Governance Arrangements

The Local Governance Board (LGB) has delegated responsibilities on behalf of THPT Board to provide support and challenge, with a view to ensuring the quality of education provision.

If you would like to know more or wish to raise issues with the Governors please contact Sam Pinder (Governance Manager).

Governor Name Category Term of Office - start Term of Office - end Appointing Body


Position of Responsibility

Network   Area Meetings Attended

Ulamen (Lamé) Ehizogie Verre

Local Governor (Parent) 16/12/22 25/07/26 THPT


Inclusion/ SEND


Rebecca Marie Read

Local Governor (Parent) 13/01/22 12/01/26 THPT

Vice Chair



Victoria Francesca Jones

Local Governor (Staff) 04/02/22 03/02/26 THPT




Karen Louise Paine

Local Governor (Independent) 02/08/22 01/08/26 THPT


Quality of Education



George Alexander Cook

Local Governor (Independent) 11/01/24 10/01/25 THPT


Behaviour, Attendance, Personal Dev. Wellbeing


 The business interests for the members of the Interim LGB can be found on here.

Governors who stood down in the last 12 months are:

Name Category Term of Office - start Term of Office - End Appointing Body Meetings Attended
Michael David Taylor Local Governor (Parent) 02/08/22 17/05/23 THPT 1/1
Mark Andrew Lowcock Local Governor 01/09/21 31/12/23 THPT 2/2

If you wish to make contact with the Governors or are interested in becoming a Local Governor at

Fox Grove School, please email Sam Pinder (Governance Manager): Sam Pinder