English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Most of our pupils have a diagnosis of autism. There is a significant gap in research in autism and bilingualism in education. The research that has taken place has highlighted how there are positive benefits for autistic pupils when they are bilingual.
Fox Grove sees each child as unique; staff will use everything they know about a pupil to creative plan the provision they need to achieve their academic, EHCP and personal development outcomes. For pupils who are learning through English as another language (EAL) this provision could combine strategies suitable for children and young people learning through EAL, with specific strategies suitable for autistic children and young people. Fox Grove will always try and work collaboratively with families to understand their needs of their children and how these can be met at home and school.
Fox Grove will consult the race equality and minority achievement (REMA) team of teachers and support workers for specialist support for children and young people who learn through EAL and their families when needed.
Fox Grove has worked with REMA to ensure we are providing the right provision and strategies for pupils who are bilingual / learning through EAL. Many of the strategies used to support pupils who are bilingual / learning through EAL are already used to support all pupils at Fox Grove. Please see the Fox Grove School Universal, Targeted and Specialist Support Map and Classroom Support Strategies: Working with EAL Learners produced by the Bell Foundation. Fox Grove will also:
- Provide an inclusive curriculum that reflects multicultural viewpoints. This will be reviewed regularly to ensure the resources and materials affirm the cultural identities of all pupils.
- Provide bilingual dictionaries if a pupils literacy level is higher in their first language.
Fox Grove values collaboration with families. Where those families where English is not their first language, Fox Grove will make school information clear and accessible through the use of visuals, clear language and the use of translations where necessary.