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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Fox Grove School

Relationship and Sex Education

From September 2020, it is a statutory requirement that all schools in England and Wales are teaching Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) as a fundamental part of the curriculum.

Detailed information about the purpose and the contents of Relationships and Sex Education across The Howard Partnership Trust (THPT) Schools can be found in the THPT RSE Policy.  

At Fox Grove School, the RSE programme is tailored to the needs of the individual pupils, taking account of their learning needs, maturity and emotional development, aiming to enable them to make positive decisions in their lives.

RSE takes place within the PSHE programme of study but aspects are also taught during RE and Science lessons.

The RSE curriculum is differentiated to make it relevant to pupil needs and includes:

Primary Department:

  • Families and close positive relationships
  • Friendships
  • Managing hurtful behaviour and bullying
  • Safe relationships (private parts are private, some parts are not for sharing, internet safety)
  • Respecting self and others (kind / unkind, same / different)
  • My body and how changes occur over time
  • Emotions and how they relate to behaviour of self and others

Secondary Department:

  • Different types of relationships
  • Awareness of ‘public’ & ‘private’ behaviours
  • Puberty and growing up
  • How to ‘keep safe’ and protect against exploitation or abuse
  • Reproduction, contraception and sexual health as appropriate to age and cognitive ability of the individual pupil
  • Who to ask for help
  • The development of a moral framework, confidence and self-esteem
  • Positive relationships (types of families, family portrayal in the media)
  • Respectful relationships (home life, working together, team skills, conflict management, loss)
  • Relationship values
  • Consent (safety in intimate relationships)

RSE – Right to Withdraw

In certain circumstances, parents / carers do have the right to withdraw their children from RSE.

Pupils in Our Primary Department:

Parents will have the right to withdraw their child from sex education but not from statutory Relationships Education or Health Education.

Pupils in Our Secondary Department:

Following discussion with the school, parents can withdraw their child from the ‘sex’ elements of Relationship and Sex Education.  Parents do not have a right to withdraw their child from Health education, Relationships or any other aspect of PSHE education.

There is no right of withdrawal from National Curriculum Science which includes elements of sex education such as puberty and reproduction.

Three terms before they turn 16, a student can opt back in to sex education lessons against their parents’ wishes.

If a parent/carer wishes to withdraw their child, they need to have a discussion with the Principal, Marie O’Rourke, so that she can be made aware of the reasons and provide alternative arrangements.  We will try to accommodate any concerns as far as possible.

Parent / Carer Feedback

The Leadership Team at Fox Grove School believes that good partnership working between parents and education staff are key in providing high quality education and the best possible outcomes for our learners. We very much welcome any feedback from parents / carers regarding any aspects of the PSHE and RSE offer.  Please feel free to complete the Parent / Carer feedback form and give to reception, or email it to the PSHE Curriculum Lead, Emma Murray at

For more information please see the following documents

RSE Primary Guide for Parents
RSE Secondary Guide for Parents