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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Fox Grove School

The Oak Centre
Post 16

In our Oak Centre, we challenge our students to be the best that they can be. Our goal is to prepare all students for adulthood and their future pathways through a broad, balanced but flexible curriculum which takes account of students’ needs and interests. Our curriculum is highly personalised for both the short and long-term outcomes of each individual and focuses on supporting students to become as independent as possible in all aspects of their lives.

Our Oak Centre Curriculum is based around the four ‘Preparing for Adulthood’ outcomes of ‘Employment, Independent Living, Good Health and Community Inclusion’, while students also access creative arts opportunities as well as PSHE, SMSC, Religious Education and RSE. The majority of students in this class are Post 16 age, but due to the complex needs of some of our younger aged students, certain students may spend an amount of time in this Oak Centre if needed.

Developing students’ communication skills remains at the centre of the curriculum in our Oak Centre so we can give our students the skills to be able to communicate their feelings, emotions and preferences leading to development of self-advocacy and self-expression.

We use a combination of teaching methods, which are appropriate and adapt them to support the young person’s learning styles and needs within individual classes. Learners are supported to develop their readiness to learn, attention, self-motivation, a 'have a go' attitude and to take risks in their learning. Teaching across the Oak Centre gives students relevant opportunities for learning and motivates and inspires all students to make progress across all areas of the Preparation for Adulthood areas (Good Health, Independent Living, Community Inclusion and Employment.) This is achieved through structured routines, appropriately paced and motivating activities with assessment for learning firmly embedded across all contexts.

Teaching provides opportunities for students to contextualise their learning, working within whole class, small group, individual and independent learning opportunities appropriate to that learner. We personalise the learning and ensure that pupils are given the opportunity to make as much progress as possible. Through this they will be enabled to use their skills in a range of contexts, to become increasingly independent, resourceful and resilient when faced with challenges.

The Oak Centre is currently researching the possibility of starting the ASDAN Pupil Progress Qualification for our Post 16 students. Please the document below of how ASDAN relates to the Pathways to Adulthood Programme.

Post 16 Curriculum Overview