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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Fox Grove School

Curriculum Delivery & Assessment

Learning at Fox Grove

At Fox Grove School we understand that our learners benefit from teaching approaches and strategies that differ in relation to their needs therefore in addition to statutory requirements, we research and implement best practice examples to inform our approach.

Our curriculum provision decisions are underpinned by Dr. Bruce Perry’s neurosequential model of learning. This means we recognise the importance of sensory and emotional regulation as pre requisite to academic learning with long term skills and knowledge development.

Every pupils is carefully assessed to placed on our Fox Grove Communication Continuum. This allows us to provide the right support and strategies to develop their expressive and receptive language skills throughout the school day alongside specific teaching sessions related to communication.

Our academic curriculum is underpinned by a carefully designed system of 6 stages of skills and knowledge progression incorporating EYFS curriculum, statutory guidance for key stages 1,2 and 3. Our 6 stages of knowledge and skills progression have been extended for Reading, Writing, Number & Geometry, Measures & Fractions.

Curriculum subject themes are presented to be in line with their age at a levelled stage appropriate to their understanding and skills. 

The long term topic sequence matches progression through the national curriculum to ensure coverage, depth of learning and age appropriateness.  

Assessment reveals what a child or young person knows, understands and can do. It is the means used to evaluate children’s and young people's progress and is central to securing strong outcomes through precisely planned teaching. Good assessment impacts on the long term destinations of young people and enables each individual to fulfil their potential and prepare them for life. This is how we assess and evidence Pupil Progress throughout the year at Fox Grove.

Through the Fox Grove progression stages our ambition is to enable our Key Stage 4 pupils to access relevant qualifications. Our aim is to provide pupils with the right qualifications and experience to attend their local college when they leave Fox Grove at the end of Year 11. Some of our pupils will stay with us until age 19 and will access our Oak Centre provision.